Whether you are an instructor at a college or university, an instructional designer, or educational technologist, add visual appeal and interactivity to your courses that deepen student engagement.
Over 3 million students have learned from Vizualist visualizations, spending almost five minutes each. That’s real engagement!
Vizualist visualizations (charts, timelines, maps, etc.) and multimedia display templates (media carousels, scrolling stories, etc.) provide simple, design-friendly, no-code content creation tools, with a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) preview on the screen at all times, and settings for configuring things just the way you want.
You’re never more than a click away from publishing and sharing your work. Copy a and share a link or to embed right into your Learning Management System, website, eText, or anywhere on the web.
Vizualist visualizations not only make courses look cool, but they’re also infused with features designed to get students engaged.
Chart, table, and map templates offer interactive elements designed so that students can work with the visualizations to analyze data, evaluate contexts, and even create their own content.
Weave multiple visualizations together with images, video, and text, using Vizualist display templates to easily craft multimedia data explorations, or extended formative assessments. Share a link or embed the feature right into your LMS with just a couple clicks.
The Vizualist Survey tool allows you to set up surveys using multiple choice, single choice, open ended, and likert-scale questions that compile student responses and compare them to their peers.
These surveys have been extremely popular for introducing students to unfamiliar topics by inviting them to consider their own involvement with the topic such as media consumption.
The Vizualist Surveys tool can also be used to easily build adaptive pathways through a series of screens.
Depending on student responses to key questions, they can be directed one way or the other. Branch the pathways to direct students to remediation, or even to create simple decision trees for simulations.
Instantly plug Vizualist visualizations and interactivities into your LMS to enhance learning content. Vizualist allows you to create data-driven interactive learning objects or step-by-step multimedia features that other tools do not.