Make your content matter more for everyone

Vizualist tools were originally developed for higher education, and we share the dedication to accessibility with our higher-ed. and publishing partners.

Inclusive design

Vizualist's tools have been designed with accessibility in mind. We ensure that our charts, maps, tables, surveys, and interactive elements are compatible with screen readers and navigable by keyboards. Our authoring tools are structured to help content creators make accessible choices.

Accessibility audits

We’ve partnered with experts to support our periodic audits, which help us identify areas for enhancement and implement the latest accessibility best practices and standards. We are currently in the midst of our 2024 audit to upgrade from WCGA 2.1 to 2.2, which will come with new VPATs.

Feedback & collaboration

Vizualist actively seeks feedback from our partners to inform our ongoing development efforts. By working together, we can create a more inclusive and accessible learning experience for everyone.

Ongoing monitoring

In addition to testing (and retesting) all the new features and functionalities in Vizualist, we also carefully monitor different visualizations with different settings so we can continue to refactor our authoring tools to help content creators make more accessible choices.

Fundamentally accessible and always improving

At Vizualist, we recognize the importance of creating educational content that is not only engaging and informative but also fully accessible to all audiences. Our commitment to accessibility is at the core of our mission to make learning more effective, engaging, and meaningful for everyone.

Compliance documentation

At Vizualist, we take 508 compliance very seriously. We follow the latest WCAG and 508 standards, procedures and best practices.

Vizualist Accessibility Conformance Report is Based on Voluntary Product Accessibility Template​®​(VPAT​®​)

Download our Accessibility Statement

Continued updates

  • VPATs for Surveys, Timelines, Tabs, and Carousels will come at the end of our latest accessibility audit
  • Our 2024 full-audit will culminate in July with new VPATs based on WCAG 2.2.

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