Aug 7, 2024

Data Literacy in the Professions

Data Literacy in the Professions

We at Vizualist are excited to announce our new series, "Data Literacy in the Professions." This series helps professors guide students in understanding the important role of data literacy in different professional fields.

No matter what major your students pursue, understanding data is a skill that will significantly enhance their professional capabilities and career prospects. By understanding and utilizing data, students can make informed, data-driven decisions, which is an increasingly valuable asset in today's data-centric world.

As the new semester approaches, we'll be publishing these posts every few days so you can have them handy when classes begin. Each post will demonstrate how different professions apply data literacy. This will provide you with a valuable resource to share with students or incorporate into your teaching.

The National Center for Education Statistics shows this interesting data for the most popular majors in the US for associates degrees and bachelor’s degrees.

For our purposes, we’ll be bringing you these nine over the course of the Summer. We’ll link from here as they become available, so you can use this page as a table of contents:

  1. How Sociology Majors Use Data Literacy Skills in Their Professional Lives
  2. How English Majors Use Data Literacy Skills in Their Professional Lives
  3. How Business Majors Use Data Literacy Skills in Their Professional Lives
  4. How Health Sciences Majors Use Data Literacy Skills in Their Professional Lives
  5. How History Majors Use Data Literacy Skills in Their Professional Lives
  6. How Psychology Majors Use Data Literacy Skills in Their Professional Lives
  7. How Biology Majors Use Data Literacy Skills in Their Professional Lives
  8. How Communication and Journalism Majors Use Data Literacy Skills in Their Professional Lives
  9. How Education Majors Use Data Literacy Skills in Their Professional Lives

In each post, we’ll explore the types of professions students might pursue with their major and how data literacy is applied in those roles. For instance, how history majors analyze historical data or how psychology majors use data to evaluate treatment results.

If you find these posts helpful, please do not hesitate to inform us. We are happy to add any additional majors you would like to see. Your feedback is crucial to ensuring we cover all the areas that matter most to you and your students.

Stay tuned for the first post, and we look forward to supporting you in preparing your students for a data-driven world. We at Vizualist are excited to embark on this journey with you, highlighting the power of understanding data in shaping successful careers.