Multimedia Display Templates

Delivery impactful, interactive, stories with visualizations, images, video, audio, and text that engage your readers and resonate with audiences.

Scrolling stories

Embed your charts, tables, and maps within scrolling stories. Add images, video, or text for fuller presentations that let viewers dig deeper into any concept.

Dynamic dashboards

Juxtapose visualizations with different layouts. Place tables, maps, and charts side by side or in rows to create holistic analysis and keep audiences really engaged.

Multimedia carousels

Sequence visualizations in a carousel to build a concept, screen by engaging screen. Add video, images, text, and audio for truly multimedia experiences.

Multimedia tabs

Consolidate information and clearly convey concepts in neatly organized, easily navigable tabs that support all Vizualist objects and media.

Surveys that are more than just questions

Interactive surveys allow you to build fully immersive stories with Vizualist, embedded alongside images, video, audio, and other interactive features. Survey questions let audiences interact and see their own results alongside larger communities

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